New Blog

Leila Chan asked me last night "How many friggin blogs do you have?" To be honest there are probably more floating around out there than I care to remember. You know how it goes, hear about blogging, try it out and test as many blog providers as you can get your fingertips on...then go with the best leaving a trail behind you.
But if you must know...I think I have about 3 - sushizume, TOKYOMADE myspace blog and now a new one which I hope you all get a chance to visit (oh and you can join our tokyo fanclub while you are at it! just put your email address where it says 'tokyo fanclub' we have some fun and games planned for the fans)the TOKYOMADE blog. Come leave us a comment, tell us cool stuff, keep us awake!
There is definitely enough of me to share around and plenty of Tokyo tit bits to spill!
"did you ever know that you're my heeeroooo?
You're everything I wish I could beeeeeeeee."
Thanks for the well wishes!
Feeling slightly better already!
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