Wednesday, July 26, 2006

One big moulding pot

Coincidentally, I reacted in much the same way when I discovered that thick, yellow, black and brown wooly mould had taken up residence behind and under every piece of furniture that we own...

Again my reaction was very Miss Universe like, when I later discovered that after donning a mask, gloves and goggles then plunging into mould destruction well into the early hours of the morning, this may be a never ending battle in which the fungus wins and we move to drier land. Just like a beauty queen I took my cause seriously. I learnt something along the way too...according to our new industrial strength dehumidifier the humidity downstairs was sitting at a toasty 80% - that is higher than most countries in the world. For example the humidity in Mykonos today is a mere 53%, Venice is sitting at 61% as is Barcelona, no mould there I bet.
If I was mould I would live in our apartment too!


Blogger D said...

L>O>very bloody LOUD. I watched the miss universe last night ... eeek. The mould, love: terrible news, just terrible ...

26/7/06 3:45 PM  
Blogger Rikki said...

Hey, since you're into travelling and culture, I thought you might like Gimme Your Stuff - drop by and visit us if you'd like to swap some crazy stuff from around the world :)

26/7/06 6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have me worried. I have checked under the bed, closet, in the cupboards and my clothes since reading your post. I have heard of this terrible Japanese summer mould before, and have seen it, but never in my own place. I am worried though...especially since from Sunday nobody will be in the apartment for at least a week to stop the mould if it decided to pounce. Bugger about the 500 dollar humidifer too...

26/7/06 9:15 PM  
Blogger TokyoMade(東京メイド) said...

d - you are a brave brave woman! You watched it all? I see plastic surgeons come cheap in Puerto Rico.

Any home remedies for mould removal?

27/7/06 12:21 AM  
Blogger TokyoMade(東京メイド) said...

rikki love the site, love the idea, bummed I didnt think of it before you!
Will be swapping up a storm after our Eurotrash tour - September swapping!

27/7/06 12:23 AM  
Blogger D said...

Any home remedies for mould removal?
Sorry honey. Only remedies I have are for spiders (ie. get a husband).

28/7/06 9:08 PM  
Blogger TokyoMade(東京メイド) said...

oh thats a lush remedy
ah but not all hubbies are as brave as yours...let me send you a picture of the night we found a cockroach in our house...

28/7/06 9:18 PM  
Blogger D said...

lol! go on , send it ... i love your guy. was it white panic?

29/7/06 8:15 AM  
Blogger D said...

and doesn't gimme your stuff look fab??
gonna get me suma that! I was thinking of sending you this far-out wasabi cheese that I'm addicted to, but then I remembered (HOW could I forget) the mould and how much it would love the cheese.

29/7/06 8:18 AM  

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