Saturday, August 27, 2005

never ending list


the asakusa samba festival - another reason to keep my expectations low and my water intake high. not exactly the unbridled bacchanalia (i know bacchus was the roman god of wine and this is supposed to be all south american but anyway) i had my hopes up for...a little more like a mish mash carnivale on the ashphalt covered sahara without the cocaine and sexy trannies. typically my fault though, i rocked up late naively thinking i would get a good shot of the action - instead what i got for my laziness was a disk full of crappy photos, sweat wiped all over me and an impending urinary tract infection from all the poking and proding that i was recieving from the, slightly aggitated but trying not to show it, crowd.  regardless, i would still recommend it, get there early, better yet get yourself geared up and get amoungst the feathers and bedazzles.  inspirational enough to have me dusting off my lonely planet guide to brazil and pumping up the brazilian beats.



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