Sunday, August 07, 2005

eve of the climb

you may realise by the expression on my face...
the day has come (well actually its the eve but we leave shinjuku at 7:50pm tomorrow)!

In preparation for climbing the rugged son of a bitch (n.b. prior to the climbing commitment i referred to fuji san as a glorious formation oozing with splendour and beauty - recently i have been thinking of it as one big fat mofo that needs to be whipped and conquered)

we have been sorting ourselves, making a list, checking it twice...

have also been making a few mental lists...

notes to self
-  wear and take best clean undies for the emergency rescue (please note i have not included the phrase 'in case of emergency'- a disaster on this trip is a given! not being a pessimist just a realist)
-  resist urge to over intoxicate oneself as previously done prior to other 'big nights' (although still not completely eliminating  the thought that i may have to heavily self medicate)
- prepare mentally for a calm ascent, remind self at all times that words/phrases such as the following will only hurt, alarm and disgruntle all members of the climbing team > "i fuckin hate you all and i cant keep going" "whose godforesaken fucked up idea was  this - i hate your guts" "you have got to be fuckin numbed in the skull if you think i am going any further!"

- crying is a waste of water and will also lead to the distress and disgruntlement of the team
- my ipod will probably be more useful than the earplugs i had planned on


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